Socialist in America?!

"If ten years ago I was told that a socialist would be running a presidential election in the USA, I would laugh saying it's impossible. However, now you see how much has changed", - said my History professor several weeks ago. I think I can say the same. 

Bernie Sanders, openly admitting himself as a socialist, is one of the most popular candidates of the Democratic Party. Moreover, he is especially popular among young people. During the Cold War, a person could go to jail if they say they are socialists, or even be killed. Until recently, the accusation of involvement in socialism was one of the most terrible insults. What happened now?
Maybe people are no longer afraid of different political ideas, maybe they are attracted by an example of prosperous Scandinavian countries with their social democracy. What if Americans got tired of endless taxes, but still the need to pay for health insurance. Maybe people began to understand the importance of affordable higher education? Maybe the younger generation is more sensitive and partial to the environmental problems of the planet? Maybe the endless pursuit of capitalist benefits does not seem as attractive as for their parents?

Perhaps it is too early to talk about specific conclusions, but one thing is clear - Bernie's socialism is not the socialism of the Soviet Union or China. As well as capitalism, socialism can transform, mutate, adapt to the peculiarities of the culture, economy, and history of each country. Its ideas are too attractive to die with the collapse of the Soviet Union. As for Sanders himself, I am sure that he is not the last popular socialist in the United States. One way or another, politicians will have to adapt to the new demands of the population.


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