
This week is going to be the last week before the final exams. Pressure is becoming more and more tangible. This week I have to pass all my 6 classes because I'm leaving this Saturday for winter break traveling for a month. This personal blog is the last one in 2019. I decided to share what blogging this semester taught me.

It’s my first time when I was writing texts, sharing my thoughts and point of view, publishing them on the internet. The only Social Media platform that I carry about and try to update regularly is Instagram. Usually, I think only about what photos to take, how to sign them succinctly and wittily, but I never share my point of view online. Blogging during this semester taught me how to not be scared of sharing your thoughts, how to analyze data in Social Media, how to summarize what happened.

I can’t say that I would continue to write text blogs, I never read blogs myself. However, it was a wonderful experience.


  1. It is just very sad to see that you are gone and I am still here not knowing what to do. I guess we'll meet again.


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