The Best Way to Get More Followers

"Sharing food staff is 90 percent of the battle of getting more followers" says "The Art of Social Media" by Guy Kawasaki. There are a lot of other methods like boost the amount of ghost followers, jumping on new platforms, trying to create your own design, using hashtags, etc. but no one will help you to find the audience without good content. 

We have a lot of apps or just ghost accounts that may increase the amount of your followers. What is the use of well-designed page with million of followers if there is nothing inside? Let see the examples of YouTube and Instagram bloggers. Most of them have professional cameras, microphones and lightning, some of them have their own team that helps them to produce the material but in some cases all this stuff does not help. Nevertheless, these platforms are the cradle of non-professional bloggers who became more popular creating photos and videos by phone camera than their professional colleges. Anyway, it happens that sometimes I even stop watching or reading some blogs because their authors have started to think about only getting more and more followers or making more money from advertisements. So I lose the interest in the content and unfollow.

That is why, the main idea is that raising the amount of followers is quite an easy thing when you use ghost accounts but what is more important is to keep a healthy relationship with the followers that you have. By that I mean the real followers not the ghost accounts. 


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